Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Section 1 - Story telling

Ms. Iris is telling her story.

Ms. Connie is telling her story to the girls.

我wǒ 的de 天tiān 哪nă (English Translation: "Oh My God!!"). How does someone keep 11 little kids busy and "awake" in a 3.5 -hour long class? My strategy is to keep all the activities intense and short. An experienced 1st grade language teacher suggests that to keep the students' attention, a language teacher needs to change her activities every 5 minutes on average. So you can probably guess how many activities we have in class a day.

Story telling is a very good activity in the language class. To make it more fun and intense, I assigned each TA a book to present in a small group of 3-4 students. The content in each book is very basic and short but with colorful pictures. The TAs need to finish telling their assigned stories in 3 minutes and then switch to the next group. Ms. Connie is telling her story again, but this time is for the boys.

Ms. Emma is telling her story.

Now that we've heard all 3 stories from the 3 different teachers. Which one is your favorite? Ms. Bonnie is going to test you a bit and see how much you remember.

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