Thursday, July 17, 2008

Session 2- Tangram 七qī 巧qiăo 板băn

The Tangram (七qī 巧qiăo 板băn "seven boards of skill") originated from China during the song Dynasty. Tangrams were brought to America by Chinese and American ships during the first part of the nineteenth century. The earliest example known is made of ivory in a silk box and was given to the son of an American ship owner in 1802.
Tangram is a dissection puzzle. It has 7 pieces, which fit together to form different shapes, such as the animals you see from the pictures below. The goal is to form a specific shape with the seven pieces. ~~Information from Wikipedia
See the pictures above? Can you find swans, camels, and foxes?
艾ài 力lì 特tè is little but he can cut very well."

Big boys were taking it slow. They liked to chat and work at the same time.

朱zhū 老lăo 师shī were helping Khaili and Allison to choose a pattern.
路lù 卡kă : 厉lì 害hài 吧ba !( I am super!) TA: 太tài 好hăo 了le! (very good!)
派pài 克kè :What is wrong with this triangle? 戴dài 宏hóng , 心xīn 怡yí , 和hé 优yōu 雅yă were concentrating on cutting.

艾ài 玛mă is the first one to finish her 七qī 巧qiăo 板băn . 第dì 一yī 名míng !!(1st place winner!!)

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